Hey there! I’m Meg, maker and mama.
I like my family, fresh flowers, a good burger, useless Wikipedia facts, quoting The Office, putting ice in my milk, visiting new places, and sewing.
Even though I've held a handful of interests at one time or another, sewing has been my jam from the beginning. It all started with cobbling together doll clothes from my mom’s project scraps on her spare Pfaff when I was a little girl, and lasted through many projects in middle and high school.
After sparsely sewing in college, I busted out my machine again in 2014 to try my hand at sewing some knit baby leggings ahead of the arrival of our first child. Yeah, those held up for a hot second. My work with a double needle was….not so good. I did however have a strong refashioning game and loved turning my and my husband’s old shirts in to mini vintage fashion for our son.
I continued to sew the occasional pencil skirt or pair of baby leggings, but it wasn’t until summer 2016 that I really came in to my own as a sewist. I was pregnant with my daughter and was put on bed rest. I couldn’t even pick up my toddler, but I could sit at a desk and sew—and sew I did! In fact, I ended up making my baby’s entire newborn wardrobe. That summer I committed to learning how to properly sew knits, make effective alterations, challenge myself with projects I’d been too chicken to try, and most importantly, make garments to last.
I’m still sewing on that beloved spare Pfaff that’s as old as I am—seriously, the manual says “made in West Germany”—but I’m happy to say my current makes are a step up (or two!) from the shoddy doll clothes and tacky skirts of my youth. And its only getting better from here!
Thanks for stopping by—stick around, and lets make some cool stuff.